rushing to the next season

Here are my thoughts; I’d love to know yours.

In our eagerness to embrace the next season or make those holiday sales, I feel like we’re rushing past the present moments.

Stores begin showcasing holiday decorations months in advance, and social media is flooded with posts anticipating the next holiday season. I actually dread getting on Instagram this time of year. Am I the only one?

As a small business owner, I understand it to a degree. But I still feel out of sorts about it all. .

Old Fashioned Sour Cream Sugar Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting - recipe on the blog soon!

I love every season, and I believe each one offers something special to notice, enjoy, and savor. However, it seems like the seasons are becoming increasingly jumbled together, making it hard to fully appreciate each one.

I barely had a chance to see school supplies on the shelves, and school doesn’t even start here until the first week of September, before Halloween decorations are already in their place.

It feels like the 4th of July merchandise wasn't even fully stocked at Hobby Lobby before Halloween and Christmas items made an appearance. Christmas in June?!

The rush to move from one holiday to the next has left me wondering if I’m truly appreciating and enjoying the simple joys of each day and each season. The older I get, the more I feel like time is flying by faster than ever, and I certainly don’t want to speed it up any more than it already is.

I don’t think there’s an easy, right, or wrong answer to this. I’ve seen social media posts with very strong opinions on the matter. For myself, I’m going to try harder to embrace the present and take time to enjoy the season I’m currently in before rushing into the next one.

Sisters, Oregon in September

As a small business owner, this isn’t always easy, and I struggle with what to post as the year progresses. Right now, I’m loving the warm summer days and cool nights on my patio, and I want to share summery things. Next month, it's all about back-to-school and beach trips, so I want to post September things. October is all about Halloween for me, and I want to focus on that.

Seaside, Oregon

But with fall and winter posts already flooding social media, it's causing me a bit of anxiety. If I don't share my fall and Christmas patterns and products now, will I miss the boat? Can I post both summer and winter content without confusing my audience? It’s a struggle, I tell ya!

I would love to hear what you think about all this. As a consumer, and especially if you’re a small business owner, how do you feel? How do you manage the pressure of rushing from one season to the next? What are you doing to ease feelings of anxiety? (if you have them). Drop a comment below if you’d like to weigh in! Or have wise words of wisdom for me! Or sent me a direct email by using my contact form! Thanks everyone!


Rescued Grandmother’s Flower Garden Quilt


quilt-as-you-go pillow